Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is diagnosed not only in elderly patients. Recently, the pathology occurs even in young people under the age of 30. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to complications. Therefore, in order to start treatment in time, it is necessary to know the signs of the disease.
What is lumbar osteochondrosis
This pathology means an unhealthy transformation of the vertebrae in the lumbar region. With the disease, the flexibility of the intervertebral discs decreases due to the lack of nutrient transport at the cellular level. The localization of the disease is due to the fact that this area of the spine bears the greatest load.
The main factors that cause pathology include:
- Genetics.Doctors warn that if one parent suffers from this disease, the risk of developing lumbar osteochondrosis in the younger generation is much higher. Therefore, in such a situation, the child must participate in prevention from childhood.
- Regular weight lifting.This point applies not only to those who earn money through manual labor, but also to athletes who ignore safety precautions.
- Injuries. Any damage to the back can lead to pathology. If they are present, consult a chiropractor or neurologist. It should be noted that many people are not even aware of their injuries. For example, a person may experience a displacement of the vertebra when braking sharply while driving a car.
- Obesity.The spine can withstand loads even with a normal weight. If a person is overweight, the lumbar region of this organ may be deformed.
- Bad posture.The curvature of the spine leads to a violation of the proportional distribution of the load, and then to osteochondrosis.
- Chronic physical inactivity,lack of movement in the lifestyle. Minimal physical activity leads to the fact that the spine is not loaded. At this moment, the muscles and ligaments begin to weaken and blood circulation is disturbed, which causes a lack of nutrition in the intervertebral discs, which lose their elasticity over time. In this case, the entire load and weight is transferred to the discs, compressing them and later forming hernias.
- Crow's feet.This pathology indicates that the feet do not have normal shock absorption. This results in the spine having to do more work than during normal walking. Accordingly, the vertebrae wear out faster.
- Tension.The human body is designed in such a way that in case of any psycho-emotional stress, the neck first tenses. It is a biological atavism. After all, when a predator attacks a mammal, it immediately grabs its neck. Chronic stress causes a reflex transition of spasm to the entire spine. Ultimately, this can lead to pinching of nerves, including the lumbar spine. Therefore, after stress, it is important to relieve tension with the help of special gymnastics.
- Aggressive obstetric practice. If the birth process is stimulated, the baby will move faster through the passage and may be injured as a result. This situation can occur during a caesarean section, when the baby's head tilts strongly to the right or left. After that, the baby is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. The true cause of the pathology is usually identified in adolescence.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in detail in this article, has 4 stages of development. Their detailed description is included in the table.
Degree | Physiology | Painful feelings |
First | The process of destruction of the intervertebral discs in this area begins. | It is expressed as a burning, dull pain or tingling in the lumbar region. Sometimes the localization of unpleasant symptoms moves to the buttocks. The pain syndrome becomes more pronounced after physical work. |
Second | The plates are more and more susceptible to failure, which causes the distance between them to decrease significantly. At this stage, protrusions may appear. | The pain becomes a constant painful character. They can radiate to the buttocks, thighs and knees. |
Third | The tissues in this area of the spine are completely susceptible to destruction. Intervertebral hernias develop. | The pain is strong and constant. However, they do not depend on the level of physical activity. |
Fourth | The cartilage completely atrophies and the vertebrae begin to grow. The spine loses mobility, which leads to disability. | Unpleasant sensations may completely or partially disappear. |
To establish the correct diagnosis, doctors perform the following activities:
- Control.During the first meeting, the specialist visually assesses the patient's body structure, weight and height ratio. In addition, they study the characteristics of walking, posture and performing simple exercises. The skin of the back is examined for the presence of inflamed areas.
- Touch.The doctor carefully palpates the patient's back to identify the place of tension and pain. In some cases, a special hammer is used.
- Radiography.This diagnostic method is performed in two positions, back and side. If a functional test is required, radiation is performed in a bent and unbent state. This diagnostic method is widespread in the CIS countries and requires the least amount of money. However, this does not make it possible to identify the pathology at an early stage of development. Also, X-rays are harmful types of radiation.
- CT scan.In contrast to radiography, it enables the creation of the best quality images. The process is performed using a tomograph and takes about 10 minutes. As a result, not only the condition of the bone tissue, but also changes in blood vessels and nerves can be studied in detail. The method is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women. It should be noted that despite the possibility of obtaining more detailed information, the patient experiences 5 times more radiation than radiography. We recommend that you perform such a test no more than once a year.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.This is the most informative way to make a diagnosis. During the procedure, the patient is placed on a plane, which is rolled into a special chamber, where a detailed picture of the spine is obtained using magnetic waves passing through the patient's body. The main disadvantage of this diagnosis is that the patient has to stay in the chamber for about 30 minutes. For people of a certain mental makeup, the procedure can be a difficult ordeal. Additionally, MRI is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers or metal body parts, and in women in early pregnancy. However, this diagnostic method has many advantages, the most important of which is the absence of harmful effects on the human body. The images obtained in this way will clearly show not only the changes taking place in the vertebrae themselves, but also the direction of blood flow, the condition of nerve endings and blood vessels. Unlike previous diagnostic methods, MRI can detect any adverse changes in the spine in the earliest stages of lumbar osteochondrosis.
- Blood and urine tests.These procedures should not be called fully diagnostic. They are necessary as an additional examination, which is performed to exclude or confirm rheumatological pathologies.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms of which varyThe development of the disease described above suggests the following treatment tactics:
- taking medicines prescribed by a doctor;
- physiotherapy course;
- regular execution of a special set of exercises;
- massage.

In some cases, experts recommend surgery.
Drug treatment
All drugs prescribed for lumbar osteochondrosis can be divided into the following groups:
- pain relievers;
- muscle relaxants;
- chondroprotectors;
- vitamins.
Medicines with an analgesic function can be divided into two components: hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are equally capable not only of removing pain, but also of reducing inflammation.
However, the first group of drugs is used in exceptional cases. After all, they can lead to an imbalance of the endocrine system and a decrease in immunity. Therefore, hormonal drugs can only be purchased at the pharmacy with a prescription.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and treatment of which are described in detail in this article, involves oral or intramuscular administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
However, their use for longer than 3 days is not recommended. Otherwise, a side effect may occur. Then you can use various ointments and topical creams.
Oral medications are available as tablets, injections, and suppositories.
Injections are used to relieve acute inflammation and pain. It is forbidden to do these for more than 2 days.
Muscle relaxants help relax the muscles. However, the danger of their use lies in the fact that this category of drugs blocks the impulse from the nerve to the muscle.
It must be clarified that the motor nerve exits from the spinal cord through the spine to absolutely every muscle fiber.
When taking muscle relaxants, the impulse transmission mechanism is blocked. In lumbar osteochondrosis, due to pinching and overloading, the connection between nerves and muscles has already been broken. The use of these drugs further weakens this system.
Taking chondroprotectors provokes the restoration of cartilage tissue.
However, there is a theory that chondroprotectors cannot restore the intervertebral discs, as they are made of fibrous tissue. In this case, the medicine acts only on the cartilage tissue.
B vitamins are necessary for the maintenance of nerve fibers.
All procedures related to physiotherapy affect the local area of the pathology, while nearby tissues and organs remain unchanged.
This includes the following methods of treating lumbar osteochondrosis:
- Electrophoresis with anesthesia.Special drugs are injected into the patient's lower back. The whole process is stimulated by electricity.
- Ultrasound.The purpose of this treatment method is tissue micromassage. The procedure relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Blood circulation improves, and metabolism is activated accordingly.
- Magnetotherapy.This method involves the use of a magnetic field. There are many types of devices with a similar effect, which makes it possible to use them at home.
- Vibration effect.The devices create certain vibrations in the desired area of the body.
- Detensor therapy.The procedure is performed on a special mattress. The goal is to straighten the spine.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and treatment of which must be checked by a doctor, requires compliance with certain rules when performing exercises. The main principle is to stop the action immediately if pain occurs. Move carefully and smoothly to avoid injury.
The complex assumes the following algorithm:
- Lie on your back and lift your legs one at a time.
- Turn to the side with your arm extended forward. Pull your top leg back. Then flip it over to the other side and repeat the steps in a mirror image.
- Lying on your stomach, pull your legs and arms back at the same time.
- Get on all fours. Pull back one hand alternately.
- In the same position, pull up your right arm and leg. Then repeat the same on the left side.

During the massage, the following rules must be observed:
- actions should be directed from the upper back to the lower;
- massage movements can only affect the soft tissues, not the spine;
- Before the procedure, patients are advised to visit the toilet.
Massage algorithm:
- Make strokes in the right direction;
- Make rubbing movements first with one, then with two palms. In this case, the masseur's pressure on the patient's back should be monitored.
- Gently pull and then squeeze the muscle tissue.
- Create vibrations with your hands or with the help of a special preparation.
- Finish the procedure with a light stroke.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine involves the use of herbs. The main activity is aimed at relieving pain.
Homemade pain reliever ointment
For this recipe, you will need hop cones and lard. The first component is crushed and mixed with the second.

Then the ointment needs to sit for a while and can be rubbed into the lower back. If desired, the composition can be supplemented with chamomile. It has soothing properties and relieves inflammation.
Honey and potato poultice
Raw potatoes must be shredded with a grater. Then mix the ingredients in equal proportions. The obtained mass should be distributed on the painful area of the back. It is recommended that the patient remain in this position for several hours and then thoroughly rinse everything. This poultice temporarily alleviates the patient's condition.
Pain-relieving ointment with ginger
Grind ginger and garlic in equal amounts on a fine grater. Then add a small amount of butter. Mix everything thoroughly and rub the lower part of the back. The ointment should be prepared immediately before use.
Alcoholic tincture of lilac
Pour a small handful of purple flowers into a liter glass jar. Then fill the container up to the neck with vodka, alcohol or moonshine. The container should be tightly closed with a lid and left in a cool, dark place. After a week and a half, the product is ready for use.

In this case, it is not necessary to pass the tincture through a filter. You can rub your back with the resulting product. However, the dosage should be minimal. If the preparation is stored after use in the same way as during the infusion, it can be used for a whole year.
Herbal baths
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the symptoms and treatment of which can be studied in this article, is often accompanied by severe pain. You can eliminate it with a bath. The warm water helps to relax the soft tissues, the spasm eases, and the pain goes away for a while.
In some cases, experts recommend using contrasting temperatures to relieve inflammation. It should be noted that warm baths accelerate metabolic processes in the body. Another advantage of this method of treating pathology is the possibility of home use. In addition, the procedure helps relieve nervous psycho-emotional tension.
You can increase efficiency with the help of herbal baths, of which the following should be highlighted:
- Coniferous.It is better to use the needles of 3 trees - pine, pine and cedar. You can also add cones. About 5 handfuls of the collected material should be boiled for about 15 minutes. Then let it stand without opening the lid for 2 hours, then pass the soup through a filter and pour it into the bath.
- Chamomile.For this recipe, it is not necessary to use fresh flowers, you can use a ready-made pharmacy mixture. A glass of chamomile should be filled with water and heated over low heat.
Do not boil the concoction. When the peak temperature is reached, the heating must be switched off. Let it cook for another 3 hours without opening the lid, then the composition can be used. Such a bath will be useful not only for osteochondrosis, but also in the presence of redness and inflammatory processes.
- Juniper.Boil a few handfuls of the mixture for about 20 minutes. The soup must then be passed through a filter. In this case, you don't have to wait until the composition has completely cooled, you can pour it into the bath immediately. This procedure brings with it an additional aromatherapy effect, which helps relieve stress and alleviate insomnia.
After any of the above baths, lie down for about an hour. It is better to do the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
Surgical intervention
Despite the fact that the disease can be effectively treated with conservative treatment, in some cases, the patient's surgical intervention is recommended. It is important to note that this must be done on time. After all, sometimes it happens that a person becomes disabled only because he did not consult a doctor in time due to complications.
The following indications are required for surgical intervention:
- long-lasting pain for two months, which is eliminated with the help of non-steroidal drugs;
- progressive motor function problems.
In lumbar osteochondrosis, the following types of operations are performed:
- Discectomy.Indicates a replacement disc. It can be partial or complete.
- Foraminotomy.During the operation, part of the damaged tissue is removed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
- Laminotomy.Surgeons partially remove the osteophytes.
- Facetectomy.The purpose of the operation is to remove the joint. It is performed under general anesthesia.
- Laminectomy.This surgery is performed to remove part of the spine. At the same time, the remaining parts are fixed.

What to do during an exacerbation
During the exacerbation of the disease, it is better to follow the following recommendations:
- prefer hard chairs to soft chairs;
- sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
- avoid heavy lifting;
- change your position every quarter of an hour;
- get a massage.

Failure to treat lumbar osteochondrosis can lead to a change in the normal location of the disc. A hernia is formed between the 5th vertebra and the sacrum. In addition, this pathology disrupts blood circulation in the pelvis. In men, this leads to erectile dysfunction and possibly impotence.

In the case of women, the disease threatens the problems of the reproductive system. However, the most serious complication is disability, which begins with a gradual deterioration of motor activity.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine has characteristic symptoms. The above complications indicate that it is dangerous to ignore them. After all, modern medicine offers a variety of treatment options that provide effective results.